Monthly Archives: April 2021

Track Meets

Track Meets

Big Sister made the junior high track team at her school, and she competed in three track meets over the last few weeks. She ran the 1600m race in all three meets and the 400m in the last two meets.

First Meet

I took a video of her first race, so the only photos I have are screenshots from the video. My husband took a couple of photos, but the lighting was too poor for his phone, so all the photos are blurry. Big sister finished her first 1600 in 7 minutes 15 seconds.

1600 meters

Second Meet

I took photos with my phone at this meet, so they are less blurry than the first meet, but still not great. We did not catch her time for the 400 meter race, but she ran the 1600 meter race in 7 minutes 8 seconds.

Cheering Committee

400 meters

1600 meters

Normal stride
Last 100 meters stride

Third Meet

I took my good camera to this meet, but I could not figure out how to set everything to get clear photos while she was running. I have decided I need to take a photography class. We missed her 400 time again, but she ran the 1600 in 7 minutes 11 seconds. We are so proud of her efforts this track season and look forward to cheering her on in the future.

Friends & family cheered for her.

400 meters

She got to run this race with one of her best friends.
They stayed together through the first 300 meters.
She always kicks it into high gear for the last straightaway.

1600 meters

A friend on the field cheered her on rather loudly and made her laugh.
I love to see her smiling while running.

Storm Clouds

Storm Clouds

A storm developed just south of us this evening, and my husband saw the clouds while he was outside. They were so magnificent that he came inside and asked me to join him out front. I took one look and ran back inside for my camera. I have taken photos of the sky before with my phone, but those photos have never shown the true beauty of a sunset. I was unsure how photos of the storm clouds would turn out even with my nice camera. I am still trying to figure out my camera’s settings, but I took several photos over a period of 15 minutes. I zoomed in on some sections of the clouds and could not believe my camera’s autofocus worked on them. The clouds were beautiful and fascinating, but they did not bring us any rain.

Friday Faves—More Flowers

Friday Faves—More Flowers

A couple of weeks ago, I posted some flower photos, but I only had purple flowers at that time. Since then, most of the other flowers have started blooming. I usually take photos with my phone, but I had a little fun with my digital camera earlier this week. I am sitting outside on a bench in the shade enjoying the flowers right now, so I thought I would share the photos of them with you.

Oxalis Debilis
Bridal Wreath Spirea
Bridal Wreath Spirea
Golden Columbine
Golden Columbine
Blossoms on the Weeping Traveller Redbud
Golden Ragwort
White Irises
Yellow Irises
Yellow Irises with Weeping Traveller Redbud in the Background
Yellow Iris
White Iris