Run Streak Day 200

Run Streak Day 200

In December, I posted about my 150th run streak day and how I completed 15 miles that day. I had hoped to complete 20 miles today for my 200th day, but I did not have enough free time for that many miles. However, I did manage to do some fun things with the numbers 2, 20, and 100.

This morning, I walked 2 miles on the treadmill. Then late this afternoon, I spent 20 minutes on the elliptical. Finally, I ran 2 miles this evening. Between these workouts, I completed 2 sets of 100 squats, 2 sets of 100 crunches, and 2 sets of 20 push-ups. I may not be able to move tomorrow, but I wanted to push myself today.

I just remembered that I earned my 200 miles bib on Sunday, so that’s two 200 events this week! Woohoo! Also, I joined Strava today at the recommendation of some fellow runners. I am slowly learning how to use it. If you are on Strava, follow me, and I will follow you back.

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