Running in the Snow

Running in the Snow

Maybe I am a little crazy, but I love running in the snow. I own a treadmill, so I could have run inside this morning, but I had to go for one last run in the snow before it completely melts. I even wore my snowy polar bear headband on this beautiful, sunny morning.

The roads in my small neighborhood are still mostly covered in packed snow. There are a few areas that are clear and many areas that are slushy. I do not like running where the slushy snow is so wet that it splashes cold water on my ankles, so I move all over the road to run on the frozen areas. Thankfully, there were no vehicles on the roads this morning.

I only ran one mile this morning because of the wet slush. I could feel my shoes soaking up water and did not want my socks to get wet. Wet socks usually result in blisters, and they make my feet cold too.

I enjoyed a quick sunset run yesterday evening. The roads were very slushy, so it was a bit wet for my liking, but I wanted to see if the highways were clear. Only the neighborhood roads were still covered in snow and slush.

I always stop to look at the creek, especially the last few days. It was covered in ice a few days ago. Now it is milky white. Does anyone know why that is?

I could not run in the snow confidently without my YakTrax. I am so glad that I purchased these a few months ago for our trip to Illinois. I still can not believe I was able to wear them in Texas for a few runs.

I have continued my run streak through all the craziness of the last week. I have now completed 210 days of consecutive running. My goal was to complete a year, but a woman in one of my online running groups recently had to end her streak on day 999 due to an injury, so now I would like to reach 1,000 days. I will have to stay injury-free, but my new Bondi Band sums up my attitude towards running.

Do you enjoy getting out in the snow? If you run, what is your favorite running weather?

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