RSD 300

RSD 300

I am celebrating 300 consecutive days of running today. Before I started this run streak, I doubt I ever ran more than seven days in a row. Now I am approaching one year. There have been many days when I did not feel like running, but I did it anyway, and I felt better after I ran.

To commemorate this day, I spent 30 minutes (approximately 3 miles) on the elliptical, walked 3 miles and then ran 3 miles on the treadmill, and completed 3 sets of 100 squats. I may be a bit sore tomorrow from all those squats, but it will be worth it. On these milestone days, I enjoy challenging myself to push further and work harder than usual.

4 responses »

  1. You’re so dedicated! I don’t know if you remember my friend Elaine from church but we were talking this past week and she mentioned seeing you at church recently and her words were “she looks great”. She mentioned you had let your hair get long and it looked pretty as well. She, however, didn’t know you had remarried. Hope all is well and hope to see y’all soon. Blessings to you all, PJ

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